If you are using our Free plug-in WP-Invoice, you can improve and expand your options with another Free plug-in WP-CRM.
There are a few expansions and additions that you might find useful:
WP-CRM/Settings/Notifications - In this tab you can create (or use default ones which we have created for you) e-mail notifications. These Notifications will be in a form of an e-mail based on chosen “Trigger Action”.
As shown in the Screenshot there are three option boxes: Message Header, Message and Trigger Actions.
1. Message Header:
This is where you insert the basic e-mail information suck as the “Subject” of your e-mail, the recipient, sender and you can modify the “Reply To” field, so if you do not want your client to reply to your “Real Estate Agent” instead of you, this is where you can change the information.
2. Message:
This is where your body of the message goes. You can type in your own custom notification, use default ones and use shortcodes to simplify the process.
3.Trigger Actions:
This box is the most important for WP-Invoice & WP-CRM integration. The three options that are outlined are triggers for WP-Invoice plug-in. If you are a busybody and do not have time to track all the paid invoices, by choosing WPI Invoice Paid (Notify Administrator) or (Notify Creator) checkbox you will automatically receive an e-mail letting you know that your client made the payment. Also, when a client pays his/her Invoice, they can receive receipts in the e-mail automatically.